Viet Nam takes action to promote labour rights of persons with disabilities

2019-06-06 12:46:39

Viet Nam is now the 84th ILO Member State to ratify Convention No. 159

On 25 March 2019, Viet Nam deposited with the Director General of the ILO the instruments of ratification of the Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Disabled Persons) Convention, 1983 (No. 159) 

Viet Nam is now the 84th ILO Member State to ratify Convention No. 159. This important Convention calls for ratifying States to develop and implement a national policy on vocational rehabilitation and employment for persons with disabilities, based on the principle of equality of opportunity and treatment. The policy should promote access to appropriate rehabilitation services for all categories of persons with disabilities as well as promoting employment opportunities for persons with disabilities on the open labour market. Vocational rehabilitation services may include vocational guidance, training and employment services, with the objective of enabling men and women with disabilities to secure, retain and advance in employment. The Convention also calls for consultation with the social partners as well as with organizations of and for persons with disabilities in relation to implementation of the national policy. In addition, Recommendation No. 168 , the companion instrument to Convention No. 159, provides guidance in relation to the implementation of the Convention’s provisions. 

In ratifying Convention No. 159, Viet Nam confirms its commitment to promoting and implementing equality of opportunity and treatment at work. The new ratification supports implementation of the ILO’s Decent Work Agenda and achievement of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals . In addition, the ratification constitutes a significant contribution from Viet Nam marking the ILO’s first Centenary .

Convention No. 159 will enter into force for Viet Nam on 25 March 2020. 

Source: ILO

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